4. what name was given to those colonists who opposed independence, favoring instead to remain a part of england?

A. Wings
B. Patriots
C. Loyalists-----
D. Independents
I think it's C. but I'm not sure.

Yes, C.

thank you.

You're welcome.

You're correct! The name given to the colonists who opposed independence and favored remaining a part of England is C. Loyalists. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Start by understanding the question: The question is asking for the name given to the colonists who opposed independence and wanted to stay connected to England.

2. Recall your knowledge: Remember that during the American Revolution, not all colonists supported the idea of breaking away from British rule. Some remained loyal to the British Crown and were known as Loyalists.

3. Rule out the incorrect options: Review the answer choices given. Based on your knowledge, you can eliminate options A. Wings (not a commonly used term in this context), B. Patriots (opposite of what the question is asking), and D. Independents (not aligned with any specific viewpoint).

4. Confirm your selection: With the other options eliminated, you can conclude that the correct answer is C. Loyalists.

Remember, it's always a good practice to review the question, recall relevant information, and carefully consider the options to arrive at the correct answer.