when making kool-aid to drink, what is the solute and solvent.

thanks Ms.sue you never stop helping

When making Kool-Aid, the solute is the substance that gets dissolved, while the solvent is the substance in which the solute dissolves. In this case:

The solute: The solute in Kool-Aid is the powdered mix that contains sugar, flavoring, and other ingredients.

The solvent: The solvent in Kool-Aid is water. When you add water to the powdered mix, it dissolves the solute, resulting in a flavored drink.

To make Kool-Aid, you would typically follow these steps:
1. Fill a pitcher or container with water, which acts as the solvent.
2. Open the packet of Kool-Aid mix (solute) and pour it into the water.
3. Stir the mixture well until the solute completely dissolves in the solvent.
4. After the solute dissolves, you have your Kool-Aid drink ready!

By understanding the concept of solute and solvent, you can make other mixtures or solutions by identifying the components and their roles in the process.

Google those terms,