Gavin need to read at least 150 page of his book this week. He has already read 82 pages how many more pages p must Gavin read this week? Write and solve inequality

82 + x >=150

Well, Gavin has already read 82 pages out of the 150 he needs to read this week. So to find out how many more pages he needs to read, we can write an inequality.

Let's call the number of pages Gavin needs to read as "p."

The inequality would be:

p ≥ 150 - 82

Now let's solve it:

p ≥ 68

Therefore, Gavin must read at least 68 more pages this week. Keep going, Gavin! You're almost there!

To find out how many more pages Gavin needs to read this week, we can set up an inequality.

Let p represent the number of additional pages Gavin needs to read.

The inequality would be: 82 + p ≥ 150.

To solve for p, we subtract 82 from both sides of the inequality:

p ≥ 150 - 82.

Simplifying further:

p ≥ 68.

So Gavin needs to read at least 68 more pages this week.

To determine how many more pages Gavin must read this week, we can set up an inequality.

Let p represent the number of additional pages Gavin needs to read.

According to the problem, Gavin needs to read at least 150 pages, so the inequality is:
82 + p ≥ 150.

To find the value of p, solve the inequality:

82 + p ≥ 150
Subtract 82 from both sides:
p ≥ 150 - 82

p ≥ 68

Therefore, Gavin must read at least 68 more pages this week.