Select two events that highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that prompted leaders from several states to call for a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation (select two)

a.Due to arguments over land, western territories used foreign currency to purchase more property.

b.Due to losing their farms because of failure to pay taxes, farmers organized a rebellion against the government.

c.The federal government became too powerful as Washington left office.

d.The nation suffered a depression.
This political cartoon shows the order of states that ratified the Constitution
A cartoon published in 1788 celebrates New Hampshire becoming the ninth state to ratify the Constitution. From the cartoon, which was the first state to ratify?

a.New York



Which of the following quotes support the idea that the Articles of Confederation must be changed for the United States government to function properly?

a.Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled. –Articles of Confederation, Article II

b.So long as any individual state has power to defeat the measures of the other twelve, our pretended union is but a name, and our confederation, a cobweb. —Noah Webster

c.… the right of enjoying and defending their lives and liberties; that of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; in [short], that of seeking and obtaining their safety and happiness.—Massachusetts Constitution of 1780

d.The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.- 10th Amendment, U.S. Constitution

i did 4 so i don't need help with that.

This chart displays the powers granted and denied to Congress under the Articles of Confederation
According to the chart, what are some weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that caused the need for a new and stronger federal government? Select all that apply.

a.How to enforce laws passed by Congress.

b.Confusion over different state currency

c.Differences in opinions on how to establish a federal educational system

d.How to manage disagreements with other nations.
What functions was Congress able to perform under the Articles of Confederation?

a.Pass laws.

b.Pass taxes.

c.Regulate trade between states or between states and foreign countries.

d.Enforce the laws.
Why was the Northwest Ordinance considered a success of the Articles of Confederation?

a.Due to its laws establishing the principles of basic rights and establishing protection of those rights.

b.Due to its support for slavery, it allowed the western territories to develop economically.

c.Due to its guaranteeing of military support, it allowed the US army to expanding its recruiting in the territories.

d.Due to its regulation of currency, Congress could financially support Western farms.
Effect of the Three Fifths Compromise
According to the chart, how did Southern states benefit from the Three-Fifths Compromise?

a.Southern representation in the House was equal to that of the North.

b.Northern representation was no longer based on population.

c.The South gained representation in Congress by counting part of the slave population.

d.The Southerners would now be able to outvote the North.
What was the purpose of the Article of Confederation?

a.To establish the U.S. Constitution

b.To establish an alliance of states

c.To establish an executive branch to enforce laws

d.To establish a judicial branch to interpret the laws.

Read your assignment very carefully at least twice.

ok so i did that and i still cant think the questions i have are

are these right?

2.D - I don't know -- can't see the cartoon

3.B - yes
7.A - yes

i am TERRIBLE at history plz help you dont have to give me answers i just need ALOT of help

The person listed alot of questions and im only seeing answers for 3?

1. The two events that highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and led to a call for a convention to revise them were:

b. Due to losing their farms because of failure to pay taxes, farmers organized a rebellion against the government.
- This event, known as Shays' Rebellion, demonstrated the inability of the federal government under the Articles of Confederation to effectively address and resolve internal conflicts and maintain law and order.

d. The nation suffered a depression.
- The economic depression that occurred after the Revolutionary War exposed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation in managing the nation's economy and providing a unified response to economic crises.

To answer this question, you need to analyze the options and determine which events demonstrated the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. By understanding the context and circumstances of each event, you can identify the events that highlighted the need for a stronger federal government.

2. To determine which state was the first to ratify the Constitution based on the political cartoon, you would need to carefully examine the order of states depicted in the cartoon.

However, without the specific details and visual representation of the cartoon, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer. To analyze the cartoon accurately, you would need to identify any visual cues or arrangement of state symbols that indicate the order of ratification.

3. To identify quotes that support the idea of changing the Articles of Confederation, you need to critically evaluate the content and context of each quote presented.

a. The quote from the Articles of Confederation emphasizes the sovereignty and independence of individual states, suggesting a potential resistance to changing the existing system.

b. The quote from Noah Webster highlights the inefficiency of the existing union under the Articles of Confederation, implying the need for a more robust and effective government.

c. The quote from the Massachusetts Constitution focuses on individual rights and liberties, which may or may not directly address the need for changes to the Articles of Confederation.

d. The quote from the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution emphasizes the powers reserved to the states or the people, which suggests a potential disagreement with central authority.

To determine which quotes support the idea of changing the Articles of Confederation, you need to analyze the content and context of each quote and identify whether they address the weaknesses or limitations of the existing system.

5. To identify weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation based on the chart, you need to carefully analyze the information presented.

a. The chart's mention of enforcing laws passed by Congress suggests a weakness in the system's ability to ensure compliance and resolve disputes.

b. The reference to confusion over different state currencies indicates the lack of a unified currency or effective financial system, which could hinder trade and economic stability.

c. The question does not mention any reference to a federal educational system, so it cannot be determined as a weakness based on the chart.

d. The chart's mention of managing disagreements with other nations suggests a weakness in the system's ability to conduct international relations and maintain a unified foreign policy.

To identify the weaknesses, you need to carefully analyze the information presented in the chart and consider how each factor could undermine the effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation.

6. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress was able to perform the following functions:

a. Pass laws: Congress had the power to create and pass legislation, although the enforcement of these laws was limited.

b. Pass taxes: Congress had the authority to impose taxes on the states, although collecting and enforcing these taxes was challenging.

c. Regulate trade between states or between states and foreign countries: Congress had the power to regulate commerce among the states and with other nations, although its ability to enforce these regulations was limited.

d. Enforce the laws: While Congress had the authority to create laws, its ability to enforce them was weak under the Articles of Confederation.

To determine the functions Congress was able to perform under the Articles of Confederation, you need to assess the powers delegated to Congress as outlined in the Articles.

7. The Northwest Ordinance was considered a success of the Articles of Confederation because of its provisions related to the establishment of basic rights and protection of those rights.

a. The reference to laws establishing the principles of basic rights suggests that the Northwest Ordinance addressed the issue of individual rights and provided a framework for governing the western territories.

b. The mention of support for slavery is not applicable to the Northwest Ordinance, as it actually prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory.

c. The reference to military support and expanding recruitment is not mentioned in relation to the Northwest Ordinance.

d. The mention of currency regulation is not applicable to the Northwest Ordinance.

To determine why the Northwest Ordinance was considered a success of the Articles of Confederation, you need to identify the provisions and principles it established for governing the western territories.

8. To understand how Southern states benefited from the Three-Fifths Compromise, you need to analyze the information provided in the chart.

a. The option stating that Southern representation in the House was equal to that of the North is not accurate. The Three-Fifths Compromise increased the representation of the South but did not make it equal to the North.

b. The option stating that Northern representation was no longer based on population is not accurate. The Three-Fifths Compromise did not change northern representation based on population.

c. The option stating that the South gained representation in Congress by counting part of the slave population is correct. The Three-Fifths Compromise allowed the South to count three-fifths of their slave population for representation purposes, giving them additional political influence.

d. The option stating that Southerners would now be able to outvote the North is not accurate. The Three-Fifths Compromise did affect the balance of political power between the North and the South, however, it did not guarantee that the South could consistently outvote the North.

To understand the effects of the Three-Fifths Compromise, you need to carefully analyze the information provided in the chart and consider its impact on the representation of Southern states.

9. The purpose of the Articles of Confederation was to establish an alliance of states.

a. To establish the U.S. Constitution is not accurate because the Articles of Confederation predate the U.S. Constitution.

b. To establish an executive branch to enforce laws is not accurate because the Articles of Confederation did not create a strong executive branch with enforcement powers.

c. To establish a judicial branch to interpret laws is not accurate because the Articles of Confederation did not establish a separate judicial branch.

To identify the purpose of the Articles of Confederation, you need to consider the historical context and the intent behind the creation of this document. The main goal was to establish a framework for cooperation and coordination among the states.