which careers that I will ables to choose with this subjects.. hostory,life orientation, tourism , geograph, maths literacy, tswana, english??

history,tourism,geograph,maths literacy, tswana,Lo

I want to know what career can I do if doing Maths literacy,Geography,History and Life sciences

Talk with your guidance counselor.

Business ,Tourism ,Maths lit and economic which job can i do

I do history,maths lit ,life sciences,agric, life orentation,setswana and english

Based on the subjects you have listed, there are various career paths you could consider. Here are some possible options:

1. Historian: With a strong background in history, you could pursue a career as a historian, conducting research, analyzing historical events, and interpreting historical data.

2. Tour Guide: Your knowledge of history, geography, and tourism could be useful in becoming a tour guide. This career involves leading individuals or groups through various locations, providing historical and cultural information.

3. Travel Agent: With your understanding of tourism, geography, and knowledge of destinations, you could consider working as a travel agent. You would assist individuals or groups in planning trips and recommending tourist attractions.

4. Urban Planner: Geography and history can be beneficial in the field of urban planning. As an urban planner, you would contribute to the development and design of cities, considering factors such as transportation, population growth, and historical preservation.

5. Cultural Researcher: Your combination of history, geography, and a knowledge of different languages (such as Tswana) could be advantageous in conducting research on various cultures or communities.

6. Language Translator: Your proficiency in Tswana and English could lead you to become a language translator, assisting in the exchange of information between individuals who speak different languages.

It is important to note that these suggestions are just a starting point, and you could explore further possibilities within these subject areas by considering additional skills and interests you may have. Keep in mind that it's always beneficial to do some research and seek advice from career guidance counselors, professionals in specific fields, or academic advisors to get more detailed information tailored to your individual situation.