If the time at townA(longitude 75degree west)is5:00pm on friday.what will the time and dasy be at townB(longitude 120degrees east)


To determine the time difference between two locations in different time zones, you need to consider their respective longitudes. One degree of longitude is equivalent to four minutes of time difference.

Given that Town A is at a longitude of 75 degrees west and Town B is at a longitude of 120 degrees east, we will calculate the time difference between these two locations.

1. Calculate the time difference due to longitude:
- Town A (75 degrees west) is ahead of the Prime Meridian (0 degrees) by 75 degrees.
- Town B (120 degrees east) is ahead of the Prime Meridian (0 degrees) by 120 degrees.
- The total time difference due to longitude is the sum of these two: 75 degrees + 120 degrees = 195 degrees.
- Multiply this time difference by 4 to convert the degrees into minutes: 195 degrees × 4 minutes = 780 minutes.

2. Determine the day and time at Town B:
- Since we know it is 5:00 PM on Friday at Town A, we need to add the time difference calculated above.
- Town B is ahead of Town A, so we will add the time difference of 780 minutes.
- Add 780 minutes to 5:00 PM: 780 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 13 hours, with no minutes remaining.
- Therefore, the time at Town B will be 6:00 AM on Saturday.

So, the time and day at Town B would be 6:00 AM on Saturday.