Your test scores in one class are 75 and 83. What possible scores can you earn on your next test to have a test average between 79 and 86​, ​inclusive?

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79 < (75+83+x)/3 < 86

237 < 158+x < 258


79 and 100, inclusive

To find the possible scores you can earn on your next test, you need to consider the range of test averages that fall between 79 and 86, inclusive.

First, let's calculate the current average test score. Add the two scores together:

75 + 83 = 158

Now, add the score you want to earn on your next test:

158 + x

Where 'x' represents the score you will earn on your next test.

To find the range of possible scores, we need to consider both the lower and upper limits of the desired average range.

To find the lower limit, we need to average 79 over the three tests. Since we already have two test scores, the lower limit would be:

(79 * 3) - 158 = 237 - 158 = 79

So, the minimum score you can earn on your next test is 79.

To find the upper limit, we need to average 86 over the three tests. Again, using the current test scores, the upper limit would be:

(86 * 3) - 158 = 258 - 158 = 100

So, the maximum score you can earn on your next test is 100.

Therefore, to have a test average between 79 and 86, inclusive, your next test score should be between 79 and 100.

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