draw a two-color counter model for each number sentence then determine the sum


Um, we can't put colors here...

well just say the color then type

To draw a two-color counter model for the number sentence 10 + (-8), follow these steps:

1. Draw a horizontal line representing the number line, with positive numbers to the right and negative numbers to the left.

2. Mark a point on the number line representing the starting number 10.

3. Move 8 units to the left (to represent the negative number -8) from the starting point and mark it.

4. Color the counter representing the starting number 10 in one color.

5. Color the counter representing the negative number -8 in a different color.

The counter model will look like this:

Counter model:
| ---- 10 ---- | ---- -8 ---- |
| |
+++++++++ --------------- ---------------

The sum of 10 + (-8) is 2.

To draw a two-color counter model for the number sentence 10 + (-8) and determine the sum, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a line representing the number line to model positive and negative numbers.

Step 2: Choose two different colors for the counters, one for positive numbers and one for negative numbers.

Step 3: Starting at 0, place 10 counters of the positive color to the right of 0 to represent 10.

Step 4: Place 8 counters of the negative color to the left of 0 to represent -8.

Step 5: To find the sum, count how many counters are left on the number line after combining them. In this case, two counters of the positive color should remain.

So, the sum of 10 + (-8) is 2.