whats the estimated sum using benchmarks in 1/8+10/11

What do you think -- since 1/8 is just above zero and 10/11 is almost 1?

Round both numbers to the nearest whole number. 1/8->0, 10/11->1. So it's about 1 (the real answer is 1 3/88 or 1.03409090909)

To find the estimated sum of fractions like 1/8 and 10/11, we can first find a common denominator and then add the numerators. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Find the common denominator: The common denominator for 8 and 11 is 88 since both numbers divide evenly into it.
- Multiply the numerator and denominator of 1/8 by 11 to get 11/88.
- 10/11 remains the same.

2. Add the numerators:
- 11/88 + 10/11 = (11 + 80) / 88 = 91 / 88

Therefore, the estimated sum of 1/8 + 10/11 is 91/88.

Please note that this is just an estimation as the question asks for the estimated sum.