given the system of constraints, name all vertices of the feasible region. then find the maximum value of the given objective function.

x ≥ 0
y ≥ 0
y ≤ 1/3x + 3
5 ≥ y + x

Objective function: C = 6x - 4y

get a load of this guy above me.


you're clearly here because you looked up that same question, but go off i guesss

Thanks for this. Remember, it's not cheating if you're not caught!

The Guy above me is a communist spy

It's not cheating if you stop time to write down the answers

Imagine searching up the question just to bash people for not understanding something- I mean go off?

^Well someone had to say it

I love the vibes here lol

graph it !!!! first quadrant

(1.5 , 3.5) intersection
evaluate 6x-4y at those corners
makes sense, need big x and small y :)

talking when you cant even spell. LOL