If 7 ounces of cola costs $0.59. How much should 15 pounds cost ?

Convert 15 pounds to ounces: 15*16=240

Make a proportion: 0.59/7=x/240

You do the rest. Hope this helps.

7 oz * 1 lb/16 oz = 7/16 lb

so 15 lb * $0.59/ (7/16) lb = 15 *16/7 * $0.59 = $ 20.23

LOL, either way, in pounds or in ounces

To find out how much 15 pounds of cola should cost, we need to use the given information and calculate the price per pound.

First, we need to find the price per ounce of cola by dividing the total cost by the number of ounces. We have 7 ounces of cola costing $0.59, so the price per ounce would be:

Price per ounce = total cost / number of ounces
Price per ounce = $0.59 / 7
Price per ounce ≈ $0.0843 (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Now, we need to convert the 15 pounds of cola to ounces since we know the price per ounce. There are 16 ounces in a pound, so to convert pounds to ounces, we multiply the number of pounds by 16:

Number of ounces = Number of pounds × 16
Number of ounces = 15 × 16
Number of ounces = 240

Finally, we can calculate the total cost for 15 pounds of cola by multiplying the price per ounce by the number of ounces:

Total cost = Price per ounce × Number of ounces
Total cost = $0.0843 × 240
Total cost ≈ $20.23 (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Therefore, 15 pounds of cola should cost approximately $20.23.