Can you give me the answer and explain how u got it so I can know for further refrence. In the app you are creating, a duck is going to fly from the coordinates (1, 3) then go 3 units right. And 6 units down.

Write a rule to describe the translation.
What are the coordinates of the duck’s final position?

"move right" means add to x

"move down" means subtract from y.
so, (x,y) -> (x+3,y-6)

To describe the translation, we need to consider the movements described in the question. The duck starts at the coordinates (1, 3) and is going to move 3 units to the right and 6 units down.

To describe this translation in mathematical terms, we can add the corresponding values to the original coordinates.

First, let's move 3 units to the right. Adding 3 to the x-coordinate of the starting point gives us (1 + 3, 3), which simplifies to (4, 3).

Next, we need to move 6 units down. Adding 6 to the y-coordinate of the previous position gives us (4, 3 + 6), which simplifies to (4, 9).

So, the coordinates of the duck's final position are (4, 9).