What was the purpose of the Article of Confederation?

A. To establish the U.S. Constitution
B. To establish a judicial branch to interpret the laws.***
C. To establish an executive branch to enforce laws
D. To establish an alliance of states
1 point
Regulate trade between states or between states and foreign countries.
A. Pass laws.
B. Enforce the laws.
C. Pass taxes.
D. According to the chart, what are some weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that caused the need for a new and stronger federal government? Select all that apply. *
2 points
Captionless Image
A. How to manage disagreements with other nations.
B. Confusion over different state currency
C. How to enforce laws passed by Congress.
Differences in opinions on how to establish a federal educational system
Which of the following quotes support the idea that the Articles of Confederation must be changed for the United States government to function properly? *
1 point
A. … the right of enjoying and defending their lives and liberties; that of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; in [short], that of seeking and obtaining their safety and happiness.—Massachusetts Constitution of 1780
B. So long as any individual state has power to defeat the measures of the other twelve, our pretended union is but a name, and our confederation, a cobweb. —Noah Webster
C. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled. –Articles of Confederation, Article II
D.The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.- 10th Amendment, U.S. Constitution
Why was the Northwest Ordinance considered a success of the Articles of Confederation? *
1 point
A. Due to its guaranteeing of military support, it allowed the US army to expanding its recruiting in the territories.
B. Due to its laws establishing the principles of basic rights and establishing protection of those rights.
C. Due to its regulation of currency, Congress could financially support Western farms.
D. Due to its support for slavery, it allowed the western territories to develop economically.
Select two events that highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that prompted leaders from several states to call for a convention to revise the Articles of Confederation *
2 points
A. Due to losing their farms because of failure to pay taxes, farmers organized a rebellion against the government.
B. Due to arguments over land, western territories used foreign currency to purchase more property.
C. The federal government became too powerful as Washington left office.
D. The nation suffered a depression.
A cartoon published in 1788 celebrates New Hampshire becoming the ninth state to ratify the Constitution. From the cartoon, which was the first state to ratify? *
1 point
A. Delaware
B. New York
C. Ohio
D. Virginia
According to the chart, how did Southern states benefit from the Three-Fifths Compromise? *
1 point
A. Northern representation was no longer based on population.
B. The South gained representation in Congress by counting part of the slave population.
C. The Southerners would now be able to outvote the North.
D. Southern representation in the House was equal to that of the North.

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Please number and proofread the questions. Then repost and we'll try to help you.

The purpose of the Article of Confederation was to establish an alliance of states (D).

To regulate trade between states or between states and foreign countries, the Article of Confederation had the power to pass laws (A).

The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that caused the need for a new and stronger federal government included confusion over different state currency (B) and differences in opinions on how to establish a federal educational system (D).

The quote that supports the idea that the Articles of Confederation must be changed for the United States government to function properly is: "So long as any individual state has power to defeat the measures of the other twelve, our pretended union is but a name, and our confederation, a cobweb." (B)

The Northwest Ordinance was considered a success of the Articles of Confederation because it established the principles of basic rights and protected those rights (B).

Two events that highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and prompted leaders to call for a convention to revise them were: farmers organizing a rebellion against the government due to losing their farms because of failure to pay taxes (A) and the nation suffering a depression (D).

According to the cartoon, the first state to ratify the Constitution was Delaware (A).

According to the chart, Southern states benefited from the Three-Fifths Compromise because they gained representation in Congress by counting part of the slave population (B).

To answer these questions, let's break them down one by one:

1. The purpose of the Articles of Confederation was to establish an alliance of states. The correct answer is D.

2. The Articles of Confederation did not have the power to regulate trade between states or between states and foreign countries. This power was not delegated to the federal government. The correct answer is A.

3. The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that caused the need for a new and stronger federal government include confusion over different state currency and differences in opinions on how to establish a federal educational system. The correct answers are B and D.

4. Quote B supports the idea that the Articles of Confederation must be changed for the United States government to function properly. The quote emphasizes that as long as any individual state has the power to defeat the measures of the other twelve, the supposed union is meaningless. The correct answer is B.

5. The Northwest Ordinance was considered a success of the Articles of Confederation because it established laws protecting basic rights and providing for the orderly expansion of territories. The correct answer is B.

6. Two events that highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and prompted calls for a convention to revise them include farmers organizing a rebellion due to losing their farms because of failure to pay taxes and the nation suffering a depression. The correct answers are A and D.

7. According to the cartoon, the first state to ratify the Constitution was Delaware. The correct answer is A.

8. Southern states benefited from the Three-Fifths Compromise because it allowed them to gain representation in Congress by counting three-fifths of their slave population. The correct answer is B.