Which statement BEST describes the philosophy of Sir Robert Filmer?

None of the above.

HAAA, not helpful

To determine the philosophy of Sir Robert Filmer, we can start by conducting research on his work and examining his beliefs and ideas. Sir Robert Filmer was a prominent English political philosopher who is well-known for his book titled "Patriarcha." This work, published in 1680, espoused a philosophy known as "patriarchalism" or "patriarchal absolutism."

In "Patriarcha," Filmer argued for the divine right of kings and the absolute authority of monarchs. According to Filmer's philosophy, political power is derived from God and granted to rulers through a lineage of inheritance, much like a patriarchal family structure. He believed that kings were chosen by God and held absolute power over their subjects.

Filmer's philosophy can be summarized by the belief that there is an inherent hierarchy in society, with the monarch at the top, and that this hierarchy is based on divine right. He argued against popular sovereignty and the rights of individuals, asserting that the authority of the monarch was unquestionable and that subjects were obliged to obey without question.

In conclusion, the philosophy of Sir Robert Filmer, as demonstrated in "Patriarcha," revolves around the concept of patriarchal absolutism, advocating for the divine right of kings and absolute authority of monarchs.