Cassie is writing an equation to show the effect of gravitational pull of the sun and moon on tidal range which equation would Cassie use to show the effect of the sun and the moon on Spring tides?

A - sun + moon = spring tides

B - sun + Earth = spring tides

C - moon - sun = spring tides

D - earth - moon = spring tides

From Google:

Why do spring tides happen? When there is a new and full moon, the gravitational pull of the sun is supplemented to the gravitational pull of the moon on Earth. The result of this is that the oceans swell even more than usual. Therefore, there's an increase in the height of high tide – which is what a spring tide is.


To determine the equation that Cassie would use to show the effect of the sun and moon on spring tides, we first need to understand what spring tides are.

Spring tides occur when the gravitational forces of the sun and moon align, causing an increased tidal range. This alignment happens during both the new moon and the full moon phases. Therefore, the equation needs to represent the combined effect of the sun and moon.

To find the correct equation, let's analyze the given options:

A - sun + moon = spring tides
This equation suggests that adding the gravitational effect of the sun and moon results in spring tides. However, this equation ignores the fact that the alignment of the sun and moon plays a crucial role in the occurrence of spring tides. Therefore, option A is incorrect.

B - sun + Earth = spring tides
This equation incorrectly assumes that the gravitational interaction between the sun and Earth results in spring tides. While the sun does exert a gravitational force on Earth, it is the alignment between the sun, moon, and Earth that primarily causes spring tides. So, option B is also incorrect.

C - moon - sun = spring tides
This equation represents the relative gravitational forces of the moon and sun. However, subtraction does not reflect the alignment necessary for spring tides. Therefore, option C is incorrect.

D - Earth - moon = spring tides
This equation represents the effect of the moon's gravitational pull on Earth. Since the moon is pivotal in causing spring tides, this equation accurately represents the effect. Therefore, option D is correct.

In conclusion, Cassie would use the equation "Earth - moon = spring tides" to show the effect of the sun and moon on spring tides.