(please check my answers. if they are not right please correct them.)

With the use of the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists recently discovered a giant runaway star. It is 90 times larger than the sun and is very hot and blue-white in color. Why does the sun appear to be brighter than this runaway star when viewed from Earth?
A The sun is a different color than the runaway star.
B The sun is older than the runaway star.
C The sun is closer to Earth than the runaway star.**
D The sun is made of different elements than the runaway star.

14.Giants and dwarfs are believed to be _________ stars.
A old**
B young

Stars that are very hot, but not very bright are called ________.
A Giants
B Dwarfs**

Your answers are mostly correct!

For the first question, the correct answer is C) The sun is closer to Earth than the runaway star. The proximity of the sun to Earth makes it appear brighter to us compared to the more distant runaway star.

For the second question, the correct answer is A) old. Giants are believed to be older stars, while dwarfs are younger stars.

Lastly, for the third question, you are correct with B) Dwarfs. Stars that are very hot but not very bright are called dwarfs.

For the first question, "Why does the sun appear to be brighter than this runaway star when viewed from Earth?", your answer is correct. The correct answer is C - The sun is closer to Earth than the runaway star. Since the sun is much closer to Earth compared to the runaway star, its brightness appears greater.

For the second question, "Giants and dwarfs are believed to be _________ stars.", your answer is correct. The correct answer is A - old. Giants and dwarfs are both stages in the life cycle of a star. Giants are typically older stars that have expanded and become larger, while dwarfs are smaller, relatively younger stars.

For the third question, "Stars that are very hot, but not very bright are called ________.", your answer is correct. The correct answer is B - Dwarfs. Dwarfs stars are smaller and less luminous compared to giant stars, even though they may have a high temperature.

Yes, yes, yes