Compare and contrast the treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire

Soooooooo, know one is going to help this kid even a little? I don't wanna cheat but I think I prefer brainly with this. Go ahead and dislike my comment but this is a little weird.

som people just come hear to help out and check answers like me

.-. this site kinda sucks now-

"I GOT" stop spaming!!!

Mrs. Sue just give us the answer that is what we want

This is what I wrote, I'm waiting for feedback tho:

"Non-Arabs were treated as 2nd-class citizens regardless of whether or not they converted to Islam. If people that didn't believe in Islam they would have to convert, or pay a tax to continue beleiving their religion. Other leaders were treated like outsiders as well, but these leaders were treated slightly better"

I'm not sure if that makes much sense. Can somebody correct any errors?

what is the answer???

can someone just say the answer i won’t full on copy i will put it in my own words..please

"anonymous" stop spaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't expect me to give you answer but help go to this page:

Lesson 3: Expansion of the Muslim World
Social Studies: Unit 4: The Islamic World and South Asia

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." — Albert Einstein