what is $10.20 −m = $3.46 ?!

$10.20 −m = $3.46

-m = 3.46 - 10.20
m = 6.74

To solve the equation $10.20 -m = $3.46, you need to isolate the variable "m" on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Subtract $10.20 from both sides of the equation:
$10.20 - $10.20 - m = $3.46 - $10.20

Simplifying gives: -m = -$6.74

Step 2: To isolate "m," multiply both sides of the equation by -1:
(-1) * (-m) = (-1) * -$6.74

Simplifying gives: m = $6.74

Therefore, the solution to the equation $10.20 - m = $3.46 is m = $6.74.

To solve the equation $10.20 - m = $3.46, we need to isolate the variable "m." Here are the steps to find the value of 'm':

Step 1: Start with the equation $10.20 - m = $3.46.

Step 2: To isolate 'm,' we can subtract $10.20 from both sides of the equation. This will eliminate $10.20 on the left side of the equation.

$10.20 - m - $10.20 = $3.46 - $10.20

After performing the subtraction, the equation becomes:

-m = -$6.74

Step 3: To isolate 'm,' we need to get rid of the negative sign in front of 'm.' We can do this by multiplying both sides of the equation by -1.

(-1)(-m) = (-1)(-$6.74)

The equation becomes:

m = $6.74

Therefore, the value of 'm' is $6.74.