Translation ( x,y) ( x-4,y+3)

To translate a point (x, y) by the vector (-4, 3), you add the x-component of the vector to the x-coordinate of the point and add the y-component of the vector to the y-coordinate of the point.

So, the translation of (x, y) by (-4, 3) is (x + (-4), y + 3), which simplifies to (x - 4, y + 3).

It seems like you're providing a pair of coordinates and asking for a translation. A translation refers to moving a figure or point to a different location on a geometric plane without altering its shape, size, or orientation. To perform a translation on a point, you need to use the coordinates provided and adjust them according to the given translation values.

In this case, you have the initial point (x, y) and need to translate it to (x - 4, y + 3). To do this, you will subtract 4 from the x-coordinate and add 3 to the y-coordinate. The resulting coordinates will represent the new location of the point after the translation.

For example, if the initial coordinates are (2, 5), the translation can be calculated as follows:

New x-coordinate = x - 4 = 2 - 4 = -2
New y-coordinate = y + 3 = 5 + 3 = 8

Therefore, the translated point is (-2, 8).