A polygon with congruent angles and congruent sides is called a ______ polygon.

there is a hint that says it begins with "re" but im stuck please help

Regular Polygon


Yes thank you i must be dumb

also im half asleep so

You're welcome. :-)


its a regular polygon

Based on the hint provided, a polygon with congruent angles and congruent sides is called a regular polygon.

To determine the answer, it is helpful to know the definitions of "congruent angles" and "congruent sides."

"Congruent angles" are angles that have the same measure. In other words, they are identical in size.

"Congruent sides" are sides that have the same length. They are equal in size and shape.

A regular polygon is a polygon that has all sides and angles congruent. Each angle of a regular polygon has the same measure, and each side has the same length. For example, a regular triangle has three congruent angles and three congruent sides. Similarly, a regular hexagon has six congruent angles and six congruent sides.

Hence, by understanding the definitions of congruent angles and congruent sides, we can determine that a polygon with congruent angles and congruent sides is called a regular polygon.
