Could you give me some websites to find some interesting and appropriate

current events
(I already have a website called time for kids)

Try these links.

Thank you

Certainly! In addition to Time for Kids, here are a few websites where you can find interesting and appropriate current events:

1. Newsela ( Newsela provides news articles tailored to different reading levels, making it suitable for students of all ages. The articles cover a wide range of topics, from politics and science to entertainment and sports.

2. DOGOnews ( DOGOnews publishes news articles specifically for kids, covering a variety of subjects such as science, sports, technology, and more. The site offers a safe and child-friendly environment for exploring current events.

3. Smithsonian Tween Tribune ( Smithsonian Tween Tribune presents engaging news articles targeted at middle schoolers. The website covers diverse topics, including world news, history, arts, and culture, offering students a chance to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world.

4. Scholastic News ( Scholastic News offers age-appropriate news articles for various grade levels. The website covers a wide range of topics and provides interactive activities and quizzes to enhance comprehension.

5. CNN 10 (formerly CNN Student News) ( CNN 10 is a daily news show produced by CNN, covering significant global events in a concise and easily understandable format. Each episode is around 10 minutes long, making it an efficient way to stay informed.

Remember, while these websites provide valuable current events content, it's always a good idea to review the articles yourself or with a trusted adult to ensure they align with your educational needs and values.