solve in the number 488 the 8 in the ones place is how many times the value of the 8 in the tens place

one = 1/10 of ten

Thank you. I needed verification. I put that answer but needed to be certain I was understanding the problem.

To solve this, we need to determine the value of the 8 in the tens place and then find how many times this value appears in the ones place.

In the number 488, the 8 in the tens place represents 8 multiplied by 10. So, the value of the 8 in the tens place is 8 * 10 = 80.

Now, to find how many times the value of 80 appears in the ones place, we divide 488 by 80.

488 ÷ 80 = 6 remainder 8.

This means that the value of the 8 in the ones place is 6 times the value of the 8 in the tens place.