Mr. Trey sold a bed frame for $625. The selling price is 25% more than the cost price. What is the cost price of the bed frame? Please show work on how to solve problem please.

1.25c = 625

now just find c


Let's assume the cost price of the bed frame is represented by 'C'.

According to the given information, the selling price is 25% more than the cost price.

We can write this as:
Selling Price = Cost Price + 25% of Cost Price

Since the selling price is $625, we can write the equation as:
$625 = C + 0.25C

Combining like terms, we have:
$625 = 1.25C

To find the value of C, we can divide both sides of the equation by 1.25:
C = $625 ÷ 1.25

Simplifying, we get:
C = $500

Therefore, the cost price of the bed frame is $500.

To find the cost price of the bed frame, we can use the information that the selling price is 25% more than the cost price.

Let's denote the cost price as "x".

According to the given information, the selling price is 25% more than the cost price.

So, the selling price is x + 25% of x.

To calculate this, we need to add 25% of x to x, which is equivalent to multiplying x by 1.25.

Selling price = cost price + 25% of cost price
625 = x + (0.25 * x)
625 = 1.25x

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of x.

Divide both sides of the equation by 1.25:
625 / 1.25 = x
500 = x

Therefore, the cost price of the bed frame is $500.