Which of the following were important achievements of the Kushites? Select the three correct answers.

A; the defeat of the assyrian army

D; the famous text the book of the dead
f. trade networks that streched from greece to south of the sahara.

ancient egypt and kush unit test

Listen up y'all A,D,F ok :) it really is.

To determine the three correct answers regarding the important achievements of the Kushites, we need to consider their historical significance. Here are the options:

1. Expansion of Kingdom: The Kushites achieved significant territorial expansion, conquering and ruling over areas such as Nubia, Upper Egypt, and even parts of the Mediterranean coast. This expansion demonstrates their military and political accomplishments.

2. Meroitic Script: The Kushites developed their own writing system known as the Meroitic script. It was used for both administrative and religious purposes, showcasing their intellectual advancements.

3. Building of Pyramids: Similar to their northern neighbors, the Egyptians, the Kushites constructed pyramids as royal burial sites. These pyramids, particularly those located in Meroe, stand as notable architectural achievements.

4. Trade Network: The Kushites established a flourishing trade network, connecting with regions such as Egypt, the Red Sea, and even the Roman Empire. This economic achievement is a testament to their commercial success.

To identify the three correct answers, we need to look for the achievements that were most important to the Kushites in terms of their influence, cultural significance, and historical impact. Remember, this involves subjective judgment and interpretation.

Which of the following was the most valuable item American Indians got from the Spanish?

C.belief in god
(D).ranching techniques

it says three brook THREE


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