what property is -8*(4+3)=-8*4+-8*3


that's better.


clearly you did not review the properties. Stop just guessing.


The property that is being used in the equation -8*(4+3) = -8*4 + -8*3 is called the distributive property.

To understand the distributive property, let's break down the equation step by step:

1. Start with the expression -8*(4+3).
2. Inside the parentheses, we have 4+3. We need to simplify this first.
- 4+3 equals 7.
3. Now we have -8*7. To simplify further, we multiply -8 by 7.
- This gives us -56.
4. On the other side of the equation, we have -8*4 + -8*3.
5. Again, let's calculate the products. -8 times 4 equals -32, and -8 times 3 equals -24.
6. Substituting these values back into the equation, we have -32 + -24.
7. Now we can simplify the addition of -32 and -24.
- -32 + -24 equals -56.

By substituting the values we obtained from following the order of operations, we can see that both sides of the equation are equal to -56. Therefore, the distributive property holds true in this case.

there are really only three you have to consider:

go over them again and pick the one you think best.