Evaluate the derivatives by implicit differentiation. Assume all letters represent constants, except for the independent and dependent variables occurring in the derivative.


Find dP/dV

if c , n , R and T are constant then

P c V^(c-1)dV + V ^c dP = 0
P c V^c dV/V + V^c dP = 0
P c dV + V dP = 0
P c + V dP/dV = 0
dP / dV = -P c/ V

Thank you so much Damon, this has gotten me closer to understanding this type of problem however I get a memo:

"V cannot be part of the answer"

oops it was a matter of Case, thank you!

To find the derivative dP/dV using implicit differentiation, we will differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to V.

The given equation is P * V^c = n * R * T.

Step 1: Differentiate both sides of the equation:

d/dV (P * V^c) = d/dV (n * R * T)

Step 2: Apply the product rule and power rule:

dP/dV * V^c + P * c * V^(c-1) = 0

Step 3: Simplify the equation:

dP/dV * V^c = - P * c * V^(c-1)

Step 4: Solve for dP/dV:

dP/dV = (-P * c * V^(c-1)) / (V^c)

Therefore, the derivative dP/dV is given by (-P * c * V^(c-1)) / (V^c).