Production at a factory last quarter was 132,400 units. If the factory expects to produce 32.5% less units this quarter, how many units do they expect to produce this quarter?

100 % - 32.5 % = 100 / 100 - 32.5 / 100 = 67.5 / 100 = 0.675

0.675 ∙ 132,400 = 89,370

Thank you!

To find out how many units the factory expects to produce this quarter, you can start by calculating the reduction in units from last quarter. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Calculate the reduction in units
Reduction = 32.5% of last quarter's production
Reduction = (32.5/100) * 132,400

Step 2: Calculate the expected production this quarter
Expected production = Last quarter's production - Reduction
Expected production = 132,400 - Reduction

Now let's calculate the reduction and expected production:

Reduction = (32.5/100) * 132,400 = 43,010

Expected production = 132,400 - 43,010 ≈ 89,390

Therefore, the factory expects to produce approximately 89,390 units this quarter.