Animal herders in the Sahara adapted to their environment by...

A. living a nomadic lifestyle ++
B. moving to cities to find work
C. moving their herbs to the south of Sahel
D. irrigating rivers to create more farmland

Yes, A.

You're welcome.

Yabadaba dooooot that is the answer

anyone who nows all of the answer to the Africa Unit Test

Thank you Ms. Sue

Have a great day everyone.

100% spaget

thank you so much ms. Sue! i have been struggling a lot in geography and i really appreciate you helping everyone on this site!

AFRICA: How did animal herders in the Sahara adapt to their environment?

1 point
They planted crops
They irrigated rivers to create more farmland
They lived a nomadic lifestyle

They lived a nomadic lifestyle.

Which of the following is an artifact?

1 point
an imprint of a plant from long ago
an object made or used by humans
the remains of a person from long ago

An object made or used by humans is an artifact.

no def not