Hello, this is my question, and I also have what I think is the answer below.

Why is science a continuous progression of study?

Here's my answer:

Science is a continuous progression of study because, experiments most often need to be repeated to get specific results. With any answer, comes a new question.

I would like your help Ms. Sue!

Also -- scientific research usually produces new information that can be used to upgrade a process.

Think about how technology has changed in the last 30 years. Our phones and computers have improved and new gadgets have been invented.

Thanks so much!

You are very welcome.

That's a great start to answering why science is a continuous progression of study! Science is indeed an ongoing process that constantly builds upon previous knowledge and discoveries. Let me explain further.

Science is based on the scientific method, which involves making observations, formulating hypotheses, performing experiments, and analyzing data to draw conclusions. Through this iterative process, scientists aim to understand how the natural world works.

One reason why science is continuous is the need for reproducibility. To ensure the validity of scientific findings, experiments need to be repeated multiple times by different researchers to obtain consistent results. This repetition helps minimize errors and enhances the confidence in the conclusions drawn.

Moreover, every scientific discovery tends to raise new questions and opportunities for further exploration. The more we uncover, the more we realize how much more there is to learn. Each answer obtained through scientific study provides insights that lead to new inquiries and investigations.

Additionally, scientific knowledge is dynamic and subject to revision as new evidence arises. This stems from the fact that there are often limitations to the knowledge we have at any given time. As technology advances, new tools and techniques become available, allowing scientists to delve deeper into understanding the intricacies of the natural world.

Overall, science is a continuous progression because it is a cumulative and self-correcting process. The repetition of experiments, the generation of new questions, and the incorporation of new evidence all contribute to the ongoing advancement of scientific knowledge.