Jon drew a triangle with coordinates (5, 1), (7, −2) and (3, −1). He drew an image of the triangle with coordinates (5, −1), (7,2), and (3, 1). How did he make the image?

He translated the original figure 2 units down.

He translated the original figure 4 units up.

He reflected the original figure over the x-axis.

He reflected the original figure over the y-axis.

i think its D but ive studied all i can and i genuinely have no idea.

whats the answer

You told her that her answer is wrong so what is the answer

To determine how the original triangle (5, 1), (7, −2), (3, −1) was transformed to the image triangle (5, −1), (7, 2), (3, 1), we can analyze the changes in the coordinates.

1. Compare the y-coordinates of the corresponding vertices in the original and image triangles:
- The y-coordinate of the first vertex changed from 1 to -1.
- The y-coordinate of the second vertex changed from -2 to 2.
- The y-coordinate of the third vertex changed from -1 to 1.

Based on this information, we can determine that the transformation involved a vertical change or translation in the y-direction.

2. Analyze the changes in the x-coordinates:
- The x-coordinate of the first vertex remained the same.
- The x-coordinate of the second vertex remained the same.
- The x-coordinate of the third vertex remained the same.

The x-coordinates did not change, indicating that there was no horizontal translation.

3. Given that the x-coordinates remained the same and the y-coordinates changed, the transformation involved a vertical translation.

Looking at the changes in the y-coordinates, we can see that the image triangle is obtained by translating the original triangle 2 units downward (in the negative y-direction).

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Jon translated the original figure 2 units down to obtain the image triangle.

Did you notice the x's stayed the same, while the y's changed signs to their opposites?

Your choice of D would result in the x's changing signs, so D is wrong