How have humans used phosphate minerals as a resource?

As fertilizer for crops.

To develop new technology.***

People became wealthy from mining.

What property does a mineral have if light bounces off of a mineral sample?
It is transparent.

It is refractive.

It is reflective.***

please check my work if it’s wrong please correct me.

To determine what property a mineral has if light bounces off of a mineral sample, we can use the process of elimination and reasoning.

First, let's consider the property of transparency. Transparency refers to the ability of a material to allow light to pass through it without scattering, resulting in clear visibility through the material. However, since the light is bouncing off the mineral sample in this case, it cannot be transparent because the light is not passing through it.

Next, let's think about the property of refraction. Refraction occurs when light passes through a substance and changes direction due to the change in the speed of light. Since the light is not passing through the mineral sample, it cannot be refractive.

Therefore, the correct answer is that the mineral sample is reflective. Reflection refers to the property of a material where light bounces off its surface, resulting in the reflection of your image or the reflection of light itself.