How did the agricultural revolution affect American Indian cultures in Texas

A. it helped american indians establish more permanent settlements*****
B. it forced some american indians to become more nomadic
C. it increased contact between american indians
D. it led to droughts and food shortages

1. A🧸

2. B🧸
3. A 🧸
💞I promise they are right I took it 💞

1. a

2. b
3. a

The answers are 1:A 2:B 3:A

I took the test and these answers are 100% correct!

Trust me

Agriculture Revolution

Around 1,500 years ago, around AD 500, some American Indian cultures in present-day Texas experienced an agriculture revolution. A revolution is a sudden or drastic change in the way things are done. During the agricultural revolution, many American Indian groups began to focus on agriculture, or farming. Not all groups experienced this revolution in the same way at the same time. However, farming, pottery, and the bow and arrow were important developments for many American Indians.
American Indians raised squash, corn, and beans. Some American Indians produced larger amounts of food, making it possible for these cultures to establish more permanent settlements. Surplus, or extra, food also allowed them to create more social classes. No longer did every member of a group have to focus daily on survival. Some members could take on new roles. Leaders were dedicated to the religious and political fields. In comparison, earlier hunter and gatherer cultures had to remain more focused on basic survival.

These are my Highlight/notes hope thesed helped :D

Anonymous is right!!

it is

A. B. A.
I just took it and got a 100

okay but wut are da answerz

A. B. A. Is still right

Are they right?

which one is it


To this person unknown it’s not

1 D
2 A
3 D
The real answers are
1 D
2 A
3 C



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