what is a Boolean operator?

a link would be great please and thank you:)))


Im back from the dead MF

By now I assume you have found that Boolean operators, unlike numeric operators, such as +-*/, operate on truth values: T and F.

A Boolean operator is a type of logical operator used to connect individual search terms or conditions in order to perform more complex searches, primarily in databases and search engines. The three most commonly used Boolean operators are AND, OR, and NOT.

- AND: When you use the AND operator between search terms, it narrows down the search results by finding only the records that include all the specified keywords. For example, searching for "cats AND dogs" will return results that include both cats and dogs.

- OR: The OR operator broadens the search results by looking for records that contain any of the specified keywords. This is useful when you want to search for related terms or alternative options. For example, searching for "cats OR dogs" will return results that include either cats or dogs.

- NOT: The NOT operator excludes certain terms from the search results. It helps to filter out unwanted information. For example, searching for "cats NOT dogs" will return results that include cats but exclude any mention of dogs.

Here is a link to a resource that provides more detailed explanations and examples of Boolean operators: https://www.lib.udel.edu/ud-lib-search/basic-and-advanced-searching/boolean-operators

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.