May someone please help me with this question? What is the positive three-digit integer that is four times the product of its digits? If anyone knows, then please, help. Thank you very much!

let the 3 digits be x, y, and z

your condition:
100x + 10y + z = 4xyz
4xyz - z = 100x + 10y
z(4xy - 1) = 100x + 10y
z = (100x + 10y)/(4xy - 1) = 10(10x + y)/(4xy - 1)

I then made up this little computer program in GW-BASIC, a computer language form the 80's, that still works so well
10 for x = 1 to 9
20 for y = 0 to 9
30 for z = 0 to 9
40 if (100*x + 10*y + z) = 4*x*y*z then print x;y;z
50 next z
60 next y
70 next x

and I got 384

4(3)(8)(4) = 384

Sure, I can help you with that!

Let's assume the three-digit integer is represented as XYZ.

According to the given information, XYZ is four times the product of its digits. This can be expressed as:

XYZ = 4 * X * Y * Z

Since XYZ is a three-digit integer, we know that X cannot be 0. Therefore, at least one of the digits X, Y, or Z must be non-zero.

Now, let's consider the possible values for X. If X = 1, then the maximum value of the product Y * Z would be 9 * 9 = 81. However, 4 times 81 is still less than 100, meaning the resulting three-digit number would not be possible.

If X = 2, then the maximum value of the product Y * Z would be 9 * 9 = 81. Here, 4 times 81 is 324, which is greater than 200 but still less than 300. Therefore, it is not a valid solution.

If X = 3, then the maximum value of the product Y * Z would be 9 * 9 = 81. Here, 4 times 81 is 324, which is greater than 300 but less than 400. This satisfies the condition for a three-digit number.

Hence, the positive three-digit integer that is four times the product of its digits is 324.

To find the positive three-digit integer that is four times the product of its digits, we need to use trial and error. Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Start with a three-digit number, with the hundreds digit as the largest possible digit (9), and the tens and units digits as the smallest possible digits (1).

Step 2: Multiply the three digits together.

For example, let's take the number 901:

9 * 0 * 1 = 0

Step 3: Check if the result from Step 2 is equal to four times the original number.

In this case, 0 is not equal to four times 901.

Step 4: Increment the tens and units digits by 1 and go back to Step 2.

Let's try the number 911:

9 * 1 * 1 = 9

Step 5: Check if the result from Step 2 is equal to four times the original number.

In this case, 9 is not equal to four times 911.

Step 6: Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until an answer is found.

Continuing this process, we can try the number 912:

9 * 1 * 2 = 18

Step 5: Check if the result from Step 2 is equal to four times the original number.

In this case, 18 is not equal to four times 912.

We will keep going until we find the desired number.