If the mine winch drum diameter is 6m,calculate how far the cage will drop for each single rotation of the drum,use the formula 2ฯ€r

radius = 3 so you have to do 2 x pi x 3, then that will give you your answer



Wait who comes from ferndale here ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚โœŒ๐ŸพIโ€™m also struggling with the Mini pat...the answer is pi2 coz 2 x pi x 3

What is the answer?

What is the answer

If the diameter is 6m and the formula

is 2 pi r which means that we will take the pi which represents 3,14 and multiply it by the radius of 6m which is 3 and the answer will be 9.42,we will take 9.42 and multiply it by 2 which gives us 18.84 which means that the answer will be 18.84m

I think it's 2 ร— ฯ€ ร— 3 which gives you 6ฯ€

Correct me if I'm wrong guys

Please help I am from GAUTENG I am lost

Hey guys the answer is 2x pi x 3๐Ÿ˜“


Iโ€™m from ferndale Iโ€™m completely lost

Given If the mine winch drum diameter is 6 m calculate how far the cage will drop every single rotation of the drum by using the formula c=2(pi)r

We know that

The circumference is equal to 2 ฯ€ r

We know that diameter = 2 r

So c = ฯ€ d

Now c = ฯ€ x 6

So c = 18.84 m

I'm lots please help ooh I'm struggling

hi can someone explain what pi is because I'm only in gr8

piโ€”which is written as the Greek letter for p, or ฯ€โ€”is the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle. Regardless of the circle's size, this ratio will always equal pi. In decimal form, the value of pi is approximately 3.14.

what is the answer??


What is the answer

Wat is the answer

Keng answer kante

How did you find out the pi equals to 3.14

Thanks u so much guy it means a lots

hi can someone pls explain what pi is because I'm in gr8 and don't know what it is

aii im lost too

From Ferndale Iโ€™m lost too

What is the answer

I'm lost please help me

Guys I'm lost please help me

Atleast example please

Eish am lost please help me guys๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ

I do not understand pls explain what is pi I am in gr8

I don't understand please help me

I'm also lost

hayiii bana bako ferndale

geomatric straght lines

Thank you do much

Thank you guys for these answers if I am incorrect I will hold you all responsible but thank guys very much you are all smart just like me

Im lost 2xpix3 it is correct pls help

Guys am lost in a pavilion... would you please at least gives me example ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Eastern mine which drum diameter 6 m calculate how far the cage will drop for each singer rotation of the drum use formula c is equal to C=2TTr
