What is -12 / 3 * (-8+(-4)^2 -6) +2 simplified?

-12 / 3 * (-8+(-4)^2 -6) +2

= -4 * (-8+16-6) + 2
= -4 * 2 + 2
= -8 + 2
= -6

-12 / 3 * (-8+(-4)^2 -6) +2

-12 / 3 * (-8+16 -6) +2
-12 / 3 * + 2 + 2
-4 + 4 = 0

I already have the answer. I just couldn't find out how to do the step by step process. If you are wondering how I got the answer; I tried to do the work first, then I checked my work out on multiple online calculators.

i need help

To simplify the expression -12 / 3 * (-8+(-4)^2 -6) +2, follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS).

First, calculate any operations inside parentheses. In this case, -4 is raised to the power of 2, which equals 16. Therefore, the expression becomes:

-12 / 3 * (-8 + 16 - 6) + 2

Next, perform addition and subtraction from left to right. In this case, the expression inside the parentheses becomes:

-12 / 3 * (8 + 16 - 6) + 2

Simplifying further, we get:

-12 / 3 * (18) + 2

Now, proceed with multiplication and division from left to right. The division -12 divided by 3 is -4. Therefore, the expression becomes:

-4 * 18 + 2

Next, continue with multiplication:

-72 + 2

Finally, perform the addition:


So, the simplified answer is -70.

the answer is -70. i took the test

The Correct Answer Is 90