The New Mexico Division of Fish and Wildlife keeps track of the silvery minnow population in the Rio Grande River. They tagged 54 silvery minnows and released them. A week later, they captured 62 silvery minnows, including 12 tagged silvery minnows. What is a good estimate of the silvery minnow population in the Rio Grande River?

There are approximately _________
silvery minnows in the Rio Grande River.

That's not a actual answer to the question, also there is a thing says Jiskha Homework Help at the top, you buffoon

what is the answer!!!!

The two answers you can pick are 128 or 40,176 hopefully one those numbers can help you with the question.

To estimate the silvery minnow population in the Rio Grande River, we can use a proportion or ratio. We know that 12 tagged minnows were captured out of a sample of 62 minnows. So we can set up the following proportion:

Tagged minnows / Total minnows = Sample size / Total population

Using this proportion, we can find the estimated total population of silvery minnows.

Let's substitute the given values into the proportion:

12 tagged minnows / 62 minnows = 54 tagged minnows / Total population

To find the estimated total population, we can cross multiply and solve for Total population:

(12 tagged minnows * Total population) = (62 minnows * 54 tagged minnows)

Total population = (62 minnows * 54 tagged minnows) / 12 tagged minnows
Total population = 279

Therefore, a good estimate of the silvery minnow population in the Rio Grande River is approximately 279 minnows.

what is the answer

The answer is stop cheating for your school work!

Wtf even is this website and what school is this??