Which option best explains the purpose of the speech “Equal Rights for Women”?

Equal Rights for Women
A-It explains how women will never be equal to men.
B-It conveys the issues with and arguments for gender equality.
C-It describes all the main proposals of the Equal Rights Amendment
D-It expresses opinions about the government’s actions regarding gender equality.


Yes B should be correct because the question is asking WHAT'S the meaning of the speech

Yes, option B is the correct answer. The purpose of the speech "Equal Rights for Women" is to convey the issues with and arguments for gender equality. To determine the purpose of a speech, it is important to analyze the content and context of the speech. In this case, the speech is specifically titled "Equal Rights for Women," indicating that it likely focuses on advocating for the equal rights of women. Option A, which suggests that the speech explains how women will never be equal to men, goes against the purpose since the title suggests advocating for equality. Option C, which mentions the Equal Rights Amendment, can be a part of the speech's content, but it does not fully capture the purpose of the speech. Option D, expressing opinions about the government's actions, may or may not be part of the speech, but it does not encompass the overall purpose of advocating for gender equality.