Which correctly analyze why nationalism developed in 19th century Europe? *Select all that apply*

A. Some Enlightenment philosophers wrote about and encouraged the growth of national self-determination

B.Ethnic groups galvanized around the idea of a single nation in opposition to Napoleon's conquests.

C. French nationalism that followed the French Revolution provided an example for other people of Europe

D. The growth of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire gave nations a sense of pride.

Is the answer A and B? Please correct me if i'm wrong. Thanks :)

Someone help me please.

correct on both

Yes, the correct answer is A and B.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down each option and examine the reasons behind the development of nationalism in 19th-century Europe:

A. Some Enlightenment philosophers wrote about and encouraged the growth of national self-determination.
During the Enlightenment period, thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Johann Gottfried von Herder emphasized the importance of national identity and self-determination. They argued that each nation should have its own unique culture, language, and government. This idea influenced the growth of nationalism, as people began to identify with their own nations and seek independence.

B. Ethnic groups galvanized around the idea of a single nation in opposition to Napoleon's conquests.
Napoleon's conquests in Europe during the early 19th century led to the unification of various ethnic groups under his rule. However, instead of assimilating into a French identity, these groups began to resist and take pride in their own national identities. This resistance to foreign domination spurred the development of nationalism.

C. French nationalism that followed the French Revolution provided an example for other people of Europe.
While French nationalism did develop following the French Revolution, it was not necessarily a primary cause of nationalism in other European countries. Therefore, C is not a correct reason for the development of nationalism in 19th-century Europe.

D. The growth of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire gave nations a sense of pride.
The growth of these empires did not directly contribute to the development of nationalism. In fact, it often fostered tensions and conflicts among different ethnic groups within the empires, ultimately fueling nationalist movements seeking independence from these larger entities. Therefore, D is not a correct reason for the development of nationalism in 19th-century Europe.

In summary, nationalism in 19th-century Europe developed due to the influence of Enlightenment philosophers promoting national self-determination (option A) and the resistance of various ethnic groups against Napoleon's conquests (option B).