1: Your checking account is overdrawn by $50. You write a check for $20. What is the balance in your account?

(i got -5- + (-20) = -70)

2: The average temperature in Calgary, Canada, is 22 degrees celsius in July and -11 degrees celsius in January. Find the range of the highest and lowest temperatures in Calgary.
(idk the answer)

pls help

1. Bal. = -50 - 20 = -$70 = 70-dollar over draw.

2. 22 - (-11) = 33o C. = Range of average temperature.

i hate this

1: To find the balance in your account after writing a check, you need to subtract the amount of the check from the current balance. In this case, your checking account is overdrawn by $50, so we can assume your current balance is -$50.

To find the balance after writing a check for $20, you would subtract the $20 from the current balance.

Therefore, -$50 - $20 = -$70. So, the balance in your account would be -$70.

2: To find the range of the highest and lowest temperatures in Calgary, Canada, we need to subtract the lowest temperature from the highest temperature.

The highest temperature is 22 degrees Celsius in July, and the lowest temperature is -11 degrees Celsius in January.

To find the range, we subtract -11 from 22:

22 - (-11) = 22 + 11 = 33.

Therefore, the range of the highest and lowest temperatures in Calgary is 33 degrees Celsius.

#1 ok

#2 no way to know.
Knowing the average tells you nothing about the temperature range.
All you know is that the average ranges from -11 to 22. Heck, there's no indication that these are even the extreme values! What about August? It may be hotter than July.

Very poorly stated question.