five chickens can lay 10 eggs in 20 days. how long does it take 18 chickens to lay 100 eggs?

thanks. but after thinking about it i think the eggs are proportional to the chickens and the days. ik its not the original question but

say 5 chicken lay 10 eggs in 20 days
then 5 chicken should lay 20 eggs in 40 days

5/(10*20) is different from 5/(20*40)

im confused can you explain please?

can anyone explain? Please help

The answer is 55.5 days

5 chickens: 10eggs/20days = 0.5 eggs/day.

18 chickens: 18/5 * 0.5eggs/day = 1.8 eggs/day.

100eggs * 1day/1.8eggs = 100/1.8 = __ days.

wuts the answer

The answer, my good sir, is...

Oh dear, this is going to be a long one, my my! Let's get a sip of piping hot tea and explain this, shall we?

So if there would be 5 chickens, that would be 0.5 eggs a day, if my elementary school days served me right.

If there was 18 chickens, that would total out to be 1.8 eggs a day, rounded to 2 eggs a day because there can't be 0.8 of an egg, ha-ha!

So the answer, my dear good "Anonymous", posted on December 17 of 2020 is 0.55.

I hoped it helped mate!

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of proportions. Here's how we can set up the proportion:

Five chickens can lay 10 eggs in 20 days.

Let's find the number of eggs laid per day by these five chickens: 10 eggs / 20 days = 0.5 eggs per day.

Now, we need to find how long it will take 18 chickens to lay 100 eggs.

Let's assume it takes 'd' days for 18 chickens to lay 100 eggs.

Now, we set up the proportion:

0.5 eggs per day = 100 eggs / d days

To solve for 'd', we can cross-multiply and solve for 'd':

0.5 * d = 100
d = 100 / 0.5
d = 200 days

Therefore, it will take 18 chickens 200 days to lay 100 eggs.

5/(10*20) = 18/(100x)

woah hold up thats not the answer, sorry i was not well. the answer is

hold on doing some math


DO IT YOURSELF, you have this problem for a reason mate, dont go cheating off answers bub