Suppose you are working as a web designer and you have developed a website for some client. Your supervisor is concerned with layout of your website. He has conducted a meeting with you to correct issues related to layout of website, so you have to quickly respond to his requirements and change the website layout quickly. After making quick changes, you have to consider the factor of maintainability too. You have been given two options, CSS Inline styling and external styling to style your web pages. So, by considering quick response and maintainability factors, which option you will use for above scenario?

external styling

quick change: you can change properties of multiple elements instead of doing one by one

maintainability: you can change the external css file more easily bc you can apply it to multiple pages and multiple elements at once.

In the given scenario, where you need to respond quickly to your supervisor's requirements and consider the factor of maintainability, it is advisable to use external styling for your web pages.

External styling involves creating a separate CSS file that contains all the styles for your website. By using external styling, you can quickly make changes to the layout of your website by simply modifying the CSS file, without having to go through each individual web page.

Using external styling offers several benefits in terms of quick response and maintainability:

1. Quick Changes: With external styling, you can quickly make updates or modifications to the layout of your website by editing the CSS file. Since the styles are applied globally to all web pages, you don't have to make changes on each page individually, saving you time and effort.

2. Consistency: External styling ensures consistency across your website. By defining styles in a single CSS file, you can apply the same styles to multiple pages, ensuring a cohesive look and feel throughout the website. This saves you from redundant code and reduces the chances of errors or inconsistencies.

3. Separation of Concerns: External styling promotes the separation of concerns between the structure (HTML) and presentation (CSS) of your website. This makes your code more organized, easier to manage, and less prone to overlapping or conflicting styles.

4. Maintainability: By using external styling, you can easily maintain your website in the long run. Any future updates or modifications can be made by directly editing the CSS file, making it easier to manage and keeping the codebase clean and maintainable.

While CSS inline styling allows you to apply styles directly within HTML elements, it is not recommended for quick changes or maintainability. Inline styles require editing each individual HTML element, making it time-consuming and error-prone. It also mixes the structure and presentation concerns, making the code harder to maintain in the long run.

Hence, in this scenario, using external styling for your web pages is the more suitable option, ensuring quick response and maintaining the website's layout efficiently.