1) not sheering your sheep

2) not clipping the hooves of your livestock (goats, lamas, horses)
3) using cattle prods

Inhumane farming methods refer to practices that disregard the welfare and well-being of animals involved in food production. Unfortunately, there have been instances of inhumane farming practices worldwide. Here are a few examples:

1. Battery Cages: This method is commonly used for egg-laying hens. It involves confining multiple birds in small wire cages, providing each bird with a space equivalent to an A4-size piece of paper. Battery cages severely restrict the hens' movements, preventing them from engaging in natural behaviors such as perching, nesting, or spreading their wings.

2. Gestation Crates: These crates are used in pig farming to confine sows during pregnancy. They are so narrow that sows cannot turn around or take more than one step forward or backward. The crates immobilize the animals, causing immense physical and psychological distress throughout their pregnancy.

3. Dehorning and Disbudding: This practice involves removing or reducing the horns or horn buds of cattle, goats, or sheep. Common methods include hot iron branding, chemical caustic agents, or rudimentary saws. These procedures are often performed without anesthesia and can cause significant pain and distress to the animals.

4. Foie Gras Production: Foie gras is a luxury food product made from the enlarged liver of ducks or geese. The force-feeding process involves inserting a feeding tube down the bird's throat and forcibly pumping large amounts of food into their stomachs several times a day. This process causes liver enlargement and can result in various health issues for the birds.

While these are just a few examples, there are unfortunately many more inhumane farming practices that exist globally. Animal welfare organizations and lawmakers are working towards the eradication of such practices and the promotion of more humane farming methods.