Kimberly has a revolving credit account at an annual percentage rate of 15%. Her previous monthly balance is $784.19. Find the new balance if Kimberly's account showed the following activity. (Use the unpaid balance method)

To find the new balance using the unpaid balance method, we need to consider the activity on Kimberly's account. Please provide the details of the activity.

To find the new balance using the unpaid balance method, we need to consider the activity on Kimberly's account. You haven't provided the activity details, so I'll need that information to calculate the new balance. Please provide the following details:

1. Any purchases or charges made during the month.
2. Any payments or credits made during the month.
3. The number of days in the billing cycle.

Once I have this information, I'll be able to help you calculate the new balance.

784.19(1 + .15/12) = 793.99