the forecast predicts that temperature will change from -15 degrees Fahrenheit to -3 degrees Fahrenheit on Saturday.

PART A: Write an expression that represents the change in temperatures for Saturday.

PART B: What is the expected temperature change?

PART C: If the temperature actually changes by 5 degree Fahrenheit more than predicted, what would be the change in tempreature

A. T1 = -15oF.

T2 = -3oF.
T2 - T1.

B. T = T2 - T1 = -3 - (-15) = -3 + 15 = 12oF.

C. T = T2 - T1 = (-3+5) -(-15) = 2 + 15 = 17oF.

PART A: To write an expression that represents the change in temperatures for Saturday, we need to subtract the initial temperature from the final temperature. Let's use "T" to represent the temperature:

Change in temperature = Final temperature - Initial temperature

Therefore, the expression for the change in temperatures for Saturday is:

Change in temperature = -3°F - (-15°F)

PART B: To find the expected temperature change, we just need to evaluate the expression we created in Part A.

Change in temperature = -3°F - (-15°F)
Change in temperature = -3°F + 15°F
Change in temperature = 12°F

Therefore, the expected temperature change is 12 degrees Fahrenheit.

PART C: If the temperature actually changes by 5 degrees Fahrenheit more than predicted, we need to add 5 to the expected temperature change.

Change in temperature = Expected temperature change + Actual change
Change in temperature = 12°F + 5°F
Change in temperature = 17°F

Therefore, the change in temperature would be 17 degrees Fahrenheit.