Is one side of a rectangular fish tank best represented by a point, line, plane, or ray?

a side of the tank is a rectangle

so, what do you think?

A rectangular fish tank has three dimensions: length, width, and height. Each dimension represents a side of the tank.

A point is a zero-dimensional object, so it does not have any length, width, or height. Therefore, a point does not represent a side of the fish tank.

A line is a one-dimensional object that extends infinitely in both directions. It has length but no width or height. In the case of a fish tank, a line cannot represent a side because it does not have any width or height.

A plane is a two-dimensional object that extends infinitely in all directions. It has both length and width but no height. Since a side of a fish tank has length and width, a plane can represent a side of the tank.

A ray is a one-dimensional object that starts at a point and extends infinitely in one direction. It has length but no width or height. A ray, similar to a line, does not have any width or height, so it does not represent a side of the fish tank.

Therefore, the best representation for one side of a rectangular fish tank is a plane.