kyle throws a baseball into the air and the height of the ball, h meters, above the ground after t seconds is represented by the equation h=-4t^2+32t

between which 2 times is the ball higher than 48 meters

if you solve -4t^2+32t = 48

you get t = 2,6
so, what do you think?

To find the times at which the ball is higher than 48 meters, we need to solve the equation h = -4t^2 + 32t > 48.

First, we rewrite the inequality as -4t^2 + 32t - 48 > 0.

Next, we divide the inequality by -4 to simplify it: t^2 - 8t + 12 < 0.

To solve this quadratic inequality, we factor it by finding two values whose sum is -8 and whose product is 12. In this case, the values are -2 and -6.

So, the factored form of the inequality becomes (t - 2)(t - 6) < 0.

To determine the solution, we set each factor less than zero and solve for t:

1. t - 2 < 0
t < 2

2. t - 6 < 0
t < 6

So, the ball is higher than 48 meters between t = 2 seconds and t = 6 seconds.