If the height of an octagonal prism is 11, what is the volume of the box?

Well, if the base has area B, then the volume is 11B

So, I multiply the L, H, and W of 11 and then add it all up?


That indicates you're dealing with a rectangular prism, not an octagonal one. The prism does in fact have 8 vertices, but prisms are usually referred to by the shape of their base. In this case, that's a rectangle, not an octagon.

Wait, it's not a prism its just flat on a piece of paper. Now how do I find that?

But it says a box! I'm so confused! Can someone help me?

To find the volume of the octagonal prism, we need to know the length of one of the sides of the base of the prism. Without that information, it is not possible to calculate the volume. Could you provide the length of one of the sides of the octagon?