Compare and Contrast Discuss President George H.W. Bush’s foreign policy by comparing and contrasting his decisions regarding three of the following countries: China, Kuwait, Panama, Somalia, South Africa, and Yugoslavia.

i REALLY need help with this question an im on a timed test so please help

I finished and got a great grade :))

Sure! I can help you with this question. To compare and contrast President George H.W. Bush's foreign policy decisions regarding three countries, we need to gather information about his actions in relation to China, Kuwait, Panama, Somalia, South Africa, and Yugoslavia. Here are the steps you can follow to get the answers:

1. Make a list: Write down the actions or decisions taken by President Bush for each of the three countries you choose.

2. Research: Look for reliable sources such as books, academic journals, or reputable websites to gather information about President Bush's foreign policy decisions regarding the chosen countries. Some sources that you can consider are the official website of the Presidential Library, the State Department's archives, or historical books on President Bush's presidency.

3. Analyze and compare: Once you have gathered the information, read, and analyze the details about President Bush's decisions for each of the three chosen countries. Look for similarities and differences to compare and contrast his foreign policy. Consider factors such as the goals, strategies, and outcomes of his decisions in each country.

4. Structure your response: To fulfill the requirements of the question, make sure to discuss each country individually before comparing and contrasting their respective foreign policy decisions. You can follow the structure of providing background information, describing President Bush's decisions, and analyzing the similarities and differences of each country's foreign policies.

Remember, it's essential to provide evidence and support your points with specific examples from President Bush's actions to create a comprehensive and well-supported answer. Good luck with your timed test!

Since this is a test, you need to write your own paper. No one here will write it for you!