Which of the following constitutes an entitlement program supported by both main political ideologies?


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

food stamps



The entitlement program supported by both main political ideologies is Medicare.

The correct answer is D. Medicare. Medicare is an entitlement program that provides healthcare benefits to the elderly and some individuals with disabilities. It is supported by both main political ideologies in the United States.

To get the answer to this question, you can analyze the main political ideologies and their stances on different entitlement programs. Generally, Democrats tend to support and advocate for a larger role of government in providing social welfare programs. They often favor expanding or maintaining existing entitlement programs to ensure access to essential services for vulnerable populations.

On the other hand, Republicans typically advocate for smaller government and limited government intervention in social welfare. However, they often support entitlement programs that serve specific populations, such as the elderly or individuals with disabilities, which aligns with their commitment to individual responsibility and protecting those who are most in need.

By understanding the core principles and values of each political ideology, you can identify which entitlement programs are likely to be supported by both sides. In this case, Medicare is an example of a program that enjoys broad support because it ensures access to healthcare for a specific population, primarily senior citizens, which is a common concern regardless of political affiliation.